Elmélet Szoftver Szerző Letöltések
 Format:      'refresh'
 Description: refreshes all parts of the open drawing
 Format:      'split_view' <number_of_view>
 Description: splits the view into more parts
 Format:      'new_file'
 Description: drops the open file and opens a new empty one
 Format:      'load_file'
 Description: drops the open file and opens an other with user dialog
 Format:      'add_staff' NORMAL|QUERY <staff_name>
                          <beats_per_starting_pos> <beats_per_upbeat>
                          <beats_per_measure> <measures_per_staff>
 Description: adds a staff to the current drawing
 Format:      'rename_staff' <staff_name> <staff_new_name>
 Description: renames a staff in the current drawing
 Format:      'modify_staff' <staff_name>
                             <beats_per_starting_pos> <beats_per_upbeat>
                             <beats_per_measure> <measures_per_staff>
 Description: modifies a staff in the current drawing
 Format:      'delete_staff' <staff_name>
 Description: deletes a staff from the current drawing
 Format:      'delete_in_cycle' NORMAL|QUERY|ANY <name_mask>
 Description: deletes staves from the current drawing in sequence
 Format:      'zoom_to_staff' <staff_name> <measure_no>
 Description: zooms a staff measure
 Format:      'zoom_in_cycle' NORMAL|QUERY|ANY <name_mask>
 Description: zooms staves in sequence
 Format:      'list_staff_names'
 Description: lists the names of all the registered staves
 Format:      'show_staff_parts'
              <is_visible_support_line> <is_visible_gesture_lines>
              <is_visible_measure_lines> <is_visible_tick_marks>
              <is_visible_measure_numbers> <is_visible_beat_numbers>
 Description: shows or hides parts of all the staves
 Format:      'place_sign' <basic_block_name>
 Description: places a sign with user interaction
 Format:      'set_selection_set'
 Description: sets a sign set by user selection e.g. to move signs
 Format:      'delete_sign'
 Description: deletes signs of the selection set
 Format:      'move_sign' UP|DOWN|LEFT|RIGHT
 Description: moves signs of the selection set
 Format:      'resize_sign' INCREASE|DECREASE|NORMALIZE
 Description: resizes the only sign of the selection set
 Format:      'reshape_sign' OUT|IN
 Description: reshapes the only sign of the selection set
 Format:      'cut_sign' <file_name>
 Description: cuts the selection set to a file
 Format:      'copy_sign' <file_name>
 Description: copies the selection set to a file
 Format:      'paste_sign' <file_name>
 Description: pastes a saved drawing part from a file
 Format:      'simple_search' <query_staff_name> <normal_staff_name>
 Description: searches the pattern of query staff in an normal one
 Format:      'compound_search' {<OR_query_staff_name>}
              {<NOT_query_staff_name>} <normal_staff_name>
 Description: searches the logical compound pattern
              of some query staves in an normal staff
 Format:      'clean_search' 
 Description: clears the result of a previous search
 Format:      'set_hit_color' <color_code>
 Description: sets the color of found elements
 Format:      'go_to_hit' FIRST|PREVIOUS|NEXT|LAST
 Description: shows a found subpattern zooming it.
 Format:      'mark_hit' CURRENT|ALL ON|OFF
 Description: marks or unmarks found subpatterns
 Format:      'set_hit_marker_text' <marker_text>
 Description: sets text of markers for mark_hit command
 Format:      'set_marker_properties' CONTINUOUS|DASHED <marker_distance>
 Description: sets line type and distance of markers
 Format:      'mark_individual' <staff_name> <measure_number>
              <grid_shift> <grid_length> <marker_text>
 Description: marks an individual part of a staff
 Format:      'delete_markers' <staff_name> <marker_text>
 Description: deletes markers in a staff
 Format:      'clear_markers' YES
 Description: deletes all the markers in the current drawing
 Format:      'list_marker_frequencies' <staff_name>
 Description: counts certain markers from a staff
 Format:      'list_marked_parts' <staff_name> <marker_text>
 Description: list places of certain marked parts from a staff
 Format:      'collect_marked_parts' <staff_name> <marker_text>
 Description: collects certain marked parts from a staff
 Format:      'project_common_parts' {<operand_staff_mask>}
 Description: projects the common sign parts of certain staves
 Format:      'labanatory_reference'
 Description: writes this quick command reference
 Format:      'labanatory_licence_info'
 Description: writes the licence information
 Format:      'labanatory_version'
 Description: lists the version of the program

 [Ctrl+Shift+Z]    zoom_in_cycle 
 [F11]             snap;0.25 
 [F12]             snap;1 
 [Ctrl+UpArrow]    move_sign;up;
 [Ctrl+DownArrow]  move_sign;down;
 [Ctrl+LeftArrow]  move_sign;left;
 [Ctrl+RightArrow] move_sign;right;
 [Ctrl+Numeric8]   resize_sign;increase;up;
 [Ctrl+Numeric7]   resize_sign;increase;left;
 [Ctrl+Numeric6]   resize_sign;increase;right;
 [Ctrl+Numeric9]   resize_sign;increase;rightup;
 [Ctrl+Numeric5]   resize_sign;normalize;rightup;
 [Ctrl+Numeric2]   resize_sign;decrease;up;
 [Ctrl+Numeric3]   resize_sign;decrease;left;
 [Ctrl+Numeric4]   resize_sign;decrease;right;
 [Ctrl+Numeric1]   resize_sign;decrease;rightup;
 [Ctrl+PageUp]     reshape_sign;out;
 [Ctrl+PageDown]   reshape_sign;in;
 [Ctrl+Shift+A]    redraw_sign;
 [Ctrl+Shift+D]    delete_sign;
 [Ctrl+Shift+S]    set_selection_set 
 [Ctrl+Shift+C]    copy_sign;clpbrd;
 [Ctrl+Shift+X]    cut_sign;clpbrd;
 [Ctrl+Shift+V]    paste_sign;clpbrd;
 [Ctrl+1]          go_to_hit;first;
 [Ctrl+2]          go_to_hit;previous;
 [Ctrl+3]          go_to_hit;next;
 [Ctrl+4]          go_to_hit;last;
 [Ctrl+Shift+N]    set_hit_marker_text;